Never Lose Out Again

purpose driven winners circle Jan 30, 2023

Life is full of surprises. Some are good, some are bad, and some are happy, and others are sad. When things don’t go as planned, or when something happens to throw us off balance, we may end up doubting ourselves, which can be tough to deal with. After all, we all want to win in life. Unfortunately, life doesn’t always go as expected. We will always be met with challenges, and we won’t be able to control everything. Nor should we try. It’s not what happens to you but what you do with what happens to you that makes the difference.


Never lose out again, by focusing on your strengths and planning ahead.


Focus on Your Strengths


Humans are a bunch of walking contradictions when you think about it. Sometimes we’re happy, sometimes we’re sad; sometimes hopeful, sometimes pessimistic; sometimes childish and sometimes mature. We also have a whole load of strengths and weaknesses that affect what we do and how we do it, but we tend to put more focus on our weaknesses and not our strengths. Why is that?


A strength is something that you do consistently well. It’s something you’re able to do without much effort. You’re hard-wired to do it well and you get inherent satisfaction from doing it. It could be your organization skills, tackling and solving complex problems, empathizing with others, having a lively imagination or being able to make the perfect omelet. Whatever it is, it’s what truly makes you, you and you should be proud of it.


Focusing on what you do well rather than what you’re not so good at makes the most sense. When you look at what you’re not good at you feel bad about yourself and your ability, but when you focus on and play to your strengths you’re guaranteed to get results, and can even eliminate any negative effect your weaknesses might have. Give thanks for your special gifts because the more you show gratitude for all you have and can do, the more it will show up for you in all areas of your life.


Plan Ahead


I know there have been times where you’ve managed to head into something, do brilliantly at it and get the result you were hoping for (normally if you’re playing to your strengths), but other times you might blunder forwards, wing it and not get the result you wanted. Whatever challenges or opportunities you’re facing, you’ll stand a much better chance of getting a great result if you set things up to succeed ahead of time.


So, what exactly do you want to happen? What solution, outcome or result would be great? Get really clear on the outcome you want from what’s facing you and how it would feel to get the outcome you’re looking for. Then start breaking it down – what can you do to set things up so that your desired outcome happens? What needs to be put in place? What will help to make what you want to happen, happen? And to ensure the best outcome, what are you willing to do? And if any obstacles come your way, how will you pivot to address them?


Thinking through your plan of attack will ensure that you are prepared for anything that may come your way. It will also give you the confidence you need to tackle the unforeseen because you will feel so empowered with all of your experience, background and preparation.



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