How Do You Know When You're Experiencing Burnout? Here is All You Must Be Aware of!

Apr 03, 2022

According to a survey conducted in May 2021 by Reuters, conducted among lawyers reported that a quarter of the surveyed women lawyers said they were considering leaving their profession “due to mental health issues, stress or burnout."


These alarming figures indicated that working women in general, and women lawyers especially, face tremendous amounts of stress in their lives - perhaps because they are shouldering responsibilities from two fronts, home, and work.


It is crucial to prevent women from reaching this state. Since this is not something that happens overnight, identifying some early signs of burnout can help avert worsening the condition. If you are enough in sync with yourself, you may even be able to prevent it from developing altogether.


Here are a few signs of approaching burnout that you should be aware of:


  1.  Feeling Exhausted

There is good exhaustion that you feel at the end of a long day of satisfying work. There is also bad exhaustion. Exhaustion stays with you as a constant companion.


If you are feeling tired despite having enough sleep or rest, you are probably in the early stages of stress-induced burnout.


  1.  Depression is a Big Hint

Feeling sad and melancholy, unable to experience contentment and joy, even in happy circumstances, is another important symptom. Persistent negative emotions are never a good sign.


  1.  You Feel Defeated

A constant sense of failure, of not having done enough.


  1.  Demotivation Gets Higher

Not feeling it in yourself to care enough about making an effort. If the feeling of demotivation extends to everyday tasks, and you have difficulty thinking of reasons to carry on with your daily routine, you should immediately seek help.


  1.  Detachment and Loneliness

Feeling disconnected from people who are a part of your life.


  1.  Overall Negativity

An increasingly negative outlook on life leads to hopelessness and depression.


These symptoms are related to the emotional state of a person. Sometimes there are physiological symptoms heralding the onset of burnout. These include:


  1. Tiredness

Not emotionally tired, actual physical tiredness that does not recede even with rest


  1.  Drop-In Appetite / Increased Appetite

Any significant change in eating patterns is something to be concerned about and is often indicative of deeper issues. Some women under stress start eating more; others lose their desire for food.


  1.  Frequent Illness

Prolonged stress weakens the immune system of the body, causing a person to fall ill often.


An important point to keep in mind is that burnout is not the same as stress. Burnout is the result of prolonged emotional and/or mental strain.


The condition can be controlled and prevented by managing your workflow so that the stress is minimized. This includes reducing the amount of work you take on. You can also reduce stress levels by learning mental positivity.


Remember to stay happy and positive!

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