Finding Balance as a Mom and Lawyer
Mar 23, 2022
The most sacred bond on earth is that of a parent with their child. Yet this bond cannot achieve its perfection if one of the parties is out of sync with themselves. Being a working mom can be a challenge; add being a lawyer, and you have a recipe for burnout.
Unless you learn to balance the dual responsibilities.
How can you find the balance between your job and your child?
The first step towards finding harmony within yourself is to know your priorities. Cross-examine your motives and goals and understand that there will be times when you will need to put one before the other.
You cannot always be super-mom. Nor can you always be available for your job. Learning to balance the demands of home and work is not an overnight project. It is like learning a new skill; only this skill will allow you to be the best caregiver at home and still manage to have a satisfying career.
Sometimes soccer practice can be skipped. And that is ok.
Other times, work has to be refused. That should also be ok.
These decisions are difficult to make, but there are more and more lawyer moms out there who are learning that they do not need to simply give up their practices simply because they are now mothers too.
Educating yourself will help you make informed choices and reach an acceptable compromise - the sweet spot between lawyer and mom.
Find a support system
Knowing that your kid is in good hands even if you are not there for them can prevent a lot of stress.
Practicing moms nearly all agree that one of the most important factors in the continuation of their careers was the presence of people who could step in and shoulder the responsibility for a little while.
No one can do it all. Those who try often end up collapsing with nervous breakdowns and burnouts. Raising a child puts an immense amount of mental, physical, and emotional stress on the parent. Sharing the load is invaluable in reducing this stress.
So, find someone, your partner, your parents, or another caregiver that can fill the gap in your absence.
Choose a workplace that empathizes with your status as a mom
Although more law firms recognize the needs of a working mother, the business model being followed by most big firms (billable hours) is not mom-friendly. Instead, choose firms that support part-time work or work-from-home options.
Seek Guidance
Whatever rules you choose to follow to adjust your life, you can significantly increase your chances of success by speaking to others who have already achieved the work-life balance.
At Elevate Legally, you can find useful, pertinent, and practical advice for women lawyers who are also moms. Reach your highest potential and harmonize your life to the ultimate satisfaction of your inner self.
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